Yesterday was my birthday, and my brother-in-law Jeff got me this awesome shirt. I wore it to watch Inception, which is neither here nor there, but damn that was a cool movie.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…didn’t I already do a post about “Subway Squid?” Yes, yes I did.

However, this particular shirt was purchased from ThinkGeek, the online emporium of artifacts recovered from the cultural intersection of Hip and Nerdy. “Subway Squid” is their first piece of Gama-Go merch, and it comes in Black for $27.99 ($28.99 for XXL). Incidentally, it appears that this shirt is no longer available directly from Gama-Go.

Buy it now from ThinkGeek!

I never thought I say it, but Gama-Go, please stop making so many awesome squid things!!! Seriously, I can’t keep up!

“Squid Wreck” costs $12 and comes packed in a custom box. Other pint glass designs include “Yeti Forest” and “Whoooooooo”.

If only I had a job, I would totally purchase this glass and fill it with delicious beer…but you should still buy it now from Gama-Go.

Last night I went out to Chapel Hill to see MC Frontalot perform at Local 506. The opening act was singer/songwriter Brandon Patton, who also plays bass for MC Frontalot under the pseudonym BL4k Lotus. It turns out Brandon is a fellow aficionado of squid shirts, and he was sporting this awesome Gama-Go hoodie featuring their classic giant squid design. (Not available anymore, sadly.)

Unfortunately, I only cought the tail end of Brandon’s set, but I did get there in time to hear his rousing cover of The Pogues “Sally MacLennane.” Check out Brandon’s music at

The MC Frontalot set was, as usual, nerdcore perfection. His brand new album Zero Day officially came out today, and you should buy it! With money! Go to to find out how.

If you are not familiar with Front’s brand of intelligent, geeky hip hop, here is a video I took this February at his previous local show. The song is “Bizarro Genius Baby” from his second album Secrects From The Future.

“Give me your tentacled, your beaked
Your writhing masses yearning to break free,
The eldrich recluse at your teeming shore,
Send these, of head-foot, sucker-hook to me
I lift my lamp, you lift your photophore!”
(with apologies to Emma Lazarus)

This poem is dedicated to Gama-Go, the Official Clothier of the Coming Cepalopocalypse.

“Squid Liberty” is $28, and it is available in Navy and Army. (But not Coast Guard, for some reason…)

Buy it now from Gama-Go

Proving that not all squid attacks happen on the West Coast, here’s a brand new tentacular Tee from our friends at Gama-Go! Where’s Spider-Man when you need him?

$28 available in Olive and Black. Buy it now from Gama-Go

BoingBoing beat me to it, but Gama-Go has an awesome new line of retro floaty pens, including, obviously, this one featuring the classic Gama-Go squid! Tip the pen and send sailors TO THEIR DOOM!

Buy it now for $5 (per pen), or get all six styles for $20.

I really should have included this in last week’s Holiday Shopping Guide, so consider this an addendum. This three-button polo features the by-now-familiar Gama-Go Giant Squid and is available in Black, Navy, and Khaki. It originally retailed for $32, but it is currently on sale for a mere $12 USD!!! My guess is that this sale will probably last until they are sold out…so what are you waiting for?? Buy from

I hope that this week’s shopping guide has helped some of you find the perfect Christmas and/or Cephalopodmas gift for the squidophile in your life. To round things out, here are a few products that didn’t really fit in the other categories. And in case you missed them, those categories are:

Toys | Apparel | Books | Jewelry


Giant Squid Sticker

Giant Squid Sticker ($2)

This sticker is roughly 3″ x 4″ and is printed on durable transparent vinyl.

Buy from Gama-Go!

Squid Kimono Billfold ($24)

Squid Kimono Billfold ($24)

This embossed vinyl wallet is a variation on the same theme we saw with their “Geisha Tentacles” shirt (which is still available!). It has two i.d. windows, three coin holders, and “surprises a-plenty.” Buy from Gama-Go!

Futuregirl Leah Riley

Squiddish Pouch ($15)

Squiddish Pouch ($15)

From Leah’s product description:

The best thing about Squiddish Pouches is their diverse capabilities –
– they can be closed using the convenient button and button hole method OR
– they can be hung on the wall using a nail or pushpin through the buttonhole OR
– they can even be attached to holiday trees or other shrubbery by running a string through the buttonhole

Each Squiddish Pouch is hand-cut from thick wool felt, which means each one is unique.
Each piece is securely sewn together, and features a lovely button eye.

Open: 11″h x 3.25″w
Closed: 7.75″h x 3.25″w

Other details:
Bright pink button
Rich Purple wool felt with darker purple thread design swirling through

Kamibashi Freak*O*Bagsā„¢

Squid ($20)

Squid ($20)

These fair trade, colorful creatures open up to reveal a sturdy 16″ x 16″ tote bag that can be used again and again. Bring them to the grocery store or anywhere you typically receive plastic bags. When you’re done, simply stuff it back into the attached pet and clip it on to anything so it’s always around when you need it.

Articulate Matter

Justina Kochansky’s Etsy shop is the companion site to her webcomic Articulate Matter (previously reviewed here). She sells prints, a brand new calendar, and some of the actual polymer clay sculptures from the comic!

Ariculate Matter 2010 Calendar ($15)

Ariculate Matter 2010 Calendar ($15)

Articulate Matter Prints ($10)

Articulate Matter Prints ($10)

Card Squid ($75)

Card Squid ($75)

Ninja Squid ($100)

Ninja Squid ($100)

I couldn’t find anything Action Figure-themed for this week’s T-shirt Tuesday, so I figured I should post the final squid shirt from the current Gama-Go season. “Geisha Tentacles” is exactly what it sound like, a Japanese geisha “hanging out” with some squid tentacles. I’m sure they are just very good friends.

This shirt is $28 and is available in Olive and Light Blue.

Buy it from Gama-Go

Here’s another shirt from Gama-Go, this one depicting the classic “squid attacks sailing ship” motif. The last Gama-Go shirt I mentioned here, Sutro Squid, has already been discontinued, so who knows how long this one will be around! Also, like “Sutro,” this shirt is also being modeled by “Headband Guy.” Different shirt…SAME headband!

The shirt is $28 and available in both Navy and Grass.

Buy it from Gama-Go