Esty seller post is the creator of both a line of elegant and sexy illustrated stockings, and an assortment of quirky stickers for your toilet or laptop (under the guise of seller Fresh Decals).

Pictured here are the small/medium, white, full-length Octopus tights/stockings ($23), but this design is also available in additional sizes, colors and styles. Other designs to decorate your gams include bats, butterflies, and snow flakes.

And even if you don’t have the figure for moderately erotic pantyhose, chances are you have at least one toilet…

This vinyl decal is 13″ by 8″ and is the perfect way to jazz up your porcelain throne (or refrigerator or window or whatever). It costs $13 and also comes in black or white. (Be sure to specify which color you want…black is shipped by default!) For $8, you can also get a smaller version (~7.8″ by 6.3″), perfect for laptops. Other available designs include sharks, jellyfish, pandas, and unicorns.

©DC Comics

I have to admit that Tumblr fascinates and confounds me. I am fascinated because I love the idea of random, single-topic websites. (A big surprise, I know!) I am confounded because it seems to function just differently enough from the types of blogging platforms to which I am accustomed, that I am never quite certain where I am or what I am supposed to do when I visit a Tumblr site.

Both of these shirts came to my attention via your daily octopus, but, as seems to be the local custom, these were being reposted from other Tumblr sites. Sometimes one can follow the thread back to an original source, but sometimes, as with the first shirt below, it remains a mystery.

I am told this shirt was originally posted on Cephalolove (the newest addition to the ISK Squid Roll!→), but I’ve paged back a bit and haven’t found it yet. If I ever figure out the origin of this shirt, I will, of course, post an update.

This shirt is by Italian clothing company VNGRD.

€25 at the Unotre Store.

Also available in black and gray (and purple and white, apparently) and as a hoodie.

BoingBoing beat me to it, but Gama-Go has an awesome new line of retro floaty pens, including, obviously, this one featuring the classic Gama-Go squid! Tip the pen and send sailors TO THEIR DOOM!

Buy it now for $5 (per pen), or get all six styles for $20.

Giant Squid Sponge, originally uploaded by Willrad.

Ancient Squid Media

January 7, 2010

A friend of mine picked up this button for me at the San Diego Comic Con a few years back. This baleful cyclops is the logo of Ancient Squid Media, an independent comics publishing collective. The Ancient Squid site hasn’t been updated in over a year, so I’m not sure if they are still active. Perhaps they got hypnotized by the horrible unblinking eye…

Sightings: Zoidberg Rises!

January 6, 2010

At long last, Dr. John Zoidberg makes his debut appearance on Indie Squid Kid!

I don’t know the identity of the artist who did this, so I have to assume it was spontaneously generated by the Internet just to make me happy.

Thanks to my brother-in-law Alec for sending this my way!

Wednesday Comics: ZOK!

January 6, 2010

1967 Aquaman board game by Hasbro.

Sighted by Ryn (via The Idol-Head of Diablou)

Here is another piece of inspired madness from TopatoCo. By the creators of the webcomic, “Squid vs. Wienermobile” is available in the goats galactron cortex store (where, as it turns out, you can also find the classic “Republicans for Voldemort” t-shirt and bumper stickers).

This shirt costs $18.50 and is available in men’s and women’s sizes.

Buy it now from

Yeah, I know, I’m a few days late, but Happy New Year!!! I probably say this every year, but I have a feeling that 2010 will be the Year of the Cephalopod. (Well, I don’t say that about 2010 every year, but you know what I mean.)

My week offline, while a pleasant change of pace, has resulted in a large backlog (well, larger than normal) of material for the blog. So, let’s start with a trio of octopuses I spotted at the Antropologie store at my local mall.

These De Vincennes Dinner Plates are Antropologie exclusives by artist Nathalie Late. They are $24 each and are also available at the Anthropologie website.

Pictorial Webster’s: A Visual Dictionary of Curiosities by John M. Carrera.

When I was a kid I was always fascinated by the illustrations in the dictionary. I used to make up stories, often about a zoo that put all their animals in alphabetical order and you traveled through it in a series of similarly organized vehicles. Anyway, this book contains over 1,500 engravings from 19th century editions of the Webster’s dictionary. And yes, they are arranged alphabetically.

List price $35.00. Also available at

Lastly, we have The ABC of Animals Activity Book by the North American Bear Company. It contains a cute little plush animal for each letter of the alphabet. O is, of course, for Octopus, and well…that’s all that matters isn’t it?

List price $75.00. Also available at